Chapter Five: Where do I go from here?

You're probably wondering where to go from here. That's a valid question. I ask myself that daily. Where do I go from here? What are my goals today? When's the last time I prayed openly about what's really on my heart or on my mind? Do I make it a goal to talk to God in prayer everyday? All valid questions that I ask myself daily. I do make an effort to pray. I'm not perfect at it. I'll admit, first and foremost, that I celebrate myself when something good happens. I say, "Thank you God!" But how often do I mean it? Where is my heart when I say it out loud?

I've often thought about my attitude in my actions. Sometimes I wonder why I've thought things when I've been doing particular things with my family. Or with my church group. I'm not sure where I want to go sometimes. Do I want to strengthen my faith with God by sending money to a missionary who needs it? Is that how I strengthen my faith? Or could I better use my God given talents to help someone else here in my hometown? Could that be my mission for God? I try to look at it as: I'm going with God, not just for God. Because the point of walking with God is to keep going. Just keep going. Or in the words of Dory the fish: just keep swimming. (You're singing that song right now, aren't you?!) God waits on you, but He also waits for you. And He waits with you. He's always there. Whether you see Him or not, yes, He's there. Every time I see my niece smile, I know there's a God in heaven because not one person can make that! In all honesty, we as humans get carried away with the fact that a woman is pregnant with a child for nine months and she's the one who did it. This is altogether true. A woman carries the child and we're amazed at that. But how can that just happen? God. God does it. He knows how the human body works; He created it after all.

Where do I go from here? What can I take away from what God wants me to do right now? I know that it's hard to tell what to do.That's why I talk to God all the time. My thoughts revolve around what I can do to make this better. It's not easy. It's easier said than done and it's certainly hard not to be a human. I get arrogant. I start to rely on myself for things and then when it blows up in my face, I realize the mistakes I've made in any situation. And I know that happens to everyone. I'm not the only person who makes mistakes. So seriously, where do you go from here? I realize that loving God is more than just saying you love Him. You can't just say, "Hey Mom, I love you!" You show your mother you love her. The same goes for God. You show Him by serving others which serves Him. You show Him by being submissive to a government that you may or may not agree with at times. How many times did Christ serve those who weren't clean or popular or even in a lower class? Countless! And Christ didn't do it for popularity, selfish gain or fame. He did it for His Father. Our Father. That's the great thing about Jesus! He felt pain to the highest degree. Maybe not stepping on a lego or giving birth, but I'll take those two things over dying on the cross! I am grateful that I'm able to have a Lord to do that for me!

So here we are. You're still asking where to go. Have you taken the time to ask God for direction? I'm not God. I can't tell you where to go except to read His Word. And it can be generic. God knows where you need to go and He'll lead you there! It's not going to be easy or just pop up out of nowhere. He will allow you to make mistakes, do things the hard way, and even put people in the way, but trust me when I say that it'll be worth it in the end. And don't stop asking questions or learning about the Lord! He's a jealous God! He wants you to be His forever! And you are His forever, whether you choose to be or not.

Romans 8:17-19

17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. (ESV)

We are His heirs along with Christ. And it's all in the glory for God. We are glorified with Him through the Son of Man (Jesus Christ). I love the letters to the Romans! (Don't sing the song!)  I have heard T.D. Jakes speak on at least two or three occasions. He's asked several things. Are you stuck on the side of the road? He was speaking about a blind man who was stuck on the side of the road in Jericho. He knew of this Jesus. He'd heard of this man name Jesus. He wanted to meet the Lord. The blind man was stuck. If he could hear and he could walk, why didn't he ask for help? Who knows? He just wanted to meet Christ. Don't be stuck! Be patient for the answer that God's working on. He knows you.

How are you living for the cause of Christ?

How are we, as Christians, called to live? 

Who are you?

More importantly, who are you in Christ and with Christ? 

